Horizon Report Tech Trends Assignment

I enjoyed the materials and preparation for this assignment more so than the creation of the actual lesson plan. I particularly enjoyed reading the Horizon report and comparing it to what we are currently implementing at the technology company where I work. Overall, the report closely mimics what we have done or are in the process of doing for clients. This observation indicates that the business sector is slightly ahead of the higher education in adoption of new technology. I suspect this is due to the ability of the private sector to act independently of any government agency.

The focus of my lesson plan is tablet computing using mobile apps.  The lesson plan specifically focuses on the use of the iPad within a corporate environment. Unlike many of the web based apps that we use for our coursework, the corporate sector still relies heavily upon proprietary software running on dedicated servers within a data center. As companies’ expectation of increased employee results with fewer resources continues, mobility is no longer a luxury but a necessity. With this comes the question of security. How do you free the workforce from the confines of the cubicle, while maintaining a secure connection to vital company resources?  My lesson plan introduces low cost apps for the iPad to ensure the network is not compromised for the sake of an agile workforce.

In addition to addressing the security of tablets, I also use mobile apps as a utility within the structure of the class. The students use StudyBlue to interact with the material presented in class, with the instructor and with their classmates.

The creation of the lesson plan proved challenging for me. Although I have created and facilitated many training sessions, I have never created a formal lesson plan. Typically, I outline the topics that I am to cover. My lack of experience as an educator left me a bit unsure of how much material I was to provide. Much to my dismay, there were no tutorials available from the developers of the software used in the lesson plan. As a result, it was necessary to create two of the videos. This proved challenging, as the original iPad does not include any means to capture screencasts.

mstlaurent-501 Tech Trends Assignment

This assignment aligns with the following  AECT standards:

1.1 Instructional Systems Design – as it defines specific means of learning.

3.1 Media Utilization – through the consultation of the Horizon report

3.3 Implementation and Institutionalization – presenting new methods for adoption


RSS for Education

Below is a link to my Google Reader bundle.


I have worked in the technology field for a number of years and have never really done anything with RSS. My very limited experience with RSS included nothing more than trying to remove it from an executive’s Outlook account. He did not recall subscribing to anything and was convinced it was spam.

One of the things I love about the modern-day web browser is tabbed browsing and the ability to have multiple pages open upon launch. This is how I have managed the 2-3 news and industry pages that I visit daily. I am now working to add those pages to Google Reader and replace those 2-3 webpages with my RSS reader.

I do not work in a school but I would like to possibly incorporate RSS in my role as a software trainer. The most obvious use would be to include feeds about industry standards and best practices in a bundle. Sharing the bundle on our company project plan site or within the pages of our LMS would allow all participants quick access to the resources I frequent. We have recently added a company wide newsletter where this content might be found useful.

I have encountered some sites that download an XML file when attempting to subscribe. When I investigated this in the tutorials, the explanation seemed straight forward but the fields and locations within reader did not match that of the tutorial. I could not upload an XML, only OPML file. I suspect the documentation was created for an earlier version and needs to be updated. I will continue to explore this and will post my findings upon success.

I installed a link in the Chrome bookmarks bar that allows for quick subscription via Google Reader. It was listed under the Tips and Tricks of the Google Reader page and was simple to install. Just drag the link to the bookmarks bar. When you visit a site that you would like to receive updates from, simply click on the Subscribe link in the bookmarks bar. If there is a feed available, you will advance to the subscription confirmation page. If there is no subscription available, you will be informed in a pop up window.

AECT Standards

This assignment aligns with AECT standards 3.1 Media Utilization, 3.2 Diffusion of Innovation and 4.4  Information management.

With full intention of using RSS as a means to pass information and best practices to trainees, RSS aligns specifically with 3.1.4 providing accurate and prompt reference information also, 4.4.1 the application of information technique in a learning or training context. I have also identified RSS as a means for the diffusion, adoption and dissemination of innovations in learning community as stated in standard 3.2.1.

Learning Log Assignment

I have begun my learning log and with the use of the supplied import file, it was pretty easy to get started. I believe this will prove to be a great resource to track and monitor my progress in the educational technology field. Currently I am a bit overwhelmed by the AECT Standards, as I have not yet committed them to memory and continually have to review to see which apply to the assignments. I am confident this process will ultimately result in the intimate knowledge of all the standards and the best application of each. One could argue that this repetitive process is a means of knowledge transfer beyond the obvious information storage and transfer mentioned in standard 4.4.

This blog is the beginning steps in the creation of my final portfolio and thus qualifies as Standard 2, Development. This is specific to standard 2.0.7, “Contribute to a professional portfolio by developing and selecting a variety of productions for inclusion in the portfolio.”

My learning log will ultimately include a variety of integrated media controlled via computer and therefore meets the requirements of standard 2.4. I also configured WordPress for the ipad and mobile devices. Providing for recreational reading materials to all users in all formats is part of standard 3.1.3. Standard 4.3 also specifies the need for attention to the hardware by which the end user will consume the information provided.