Digital Story

For this module we were to create a digital story including various types of media. I used Adobe Photoshop, Captivate, Audition, and Premiere to create my digital story. Perhaps the most difficult task for this assignment was to determine the subject of my story. I finally decided to create a piece about my father. I began by developing a script and searching for related images. Once I determined the message and the photos were scanned, I created the segments for the presentation in Captivate. This allowed me to record the audio directly to each slide, controlling the flow and timing of the story. I used Audition to eliminate excess background noise and remove the vocals from the music. Once all the elements were complete, I compiled  them using Premiere.

I made every effort to abide by the many multimedia principles including the use of text in conjunction with images. This is a personal story told in a familiar tone meeting the requirements of the personalization principle. According to the redundancy principle, the narration is not duplicated on screen. Extraneous elements are limited to deter cognitive overload.  In the instances that text is used to describe images, it is contiguous with the graphic.

While this may not seem to be a bold story, it is very personal to me. It required me to make a decision about how much information should be shared to tell the story in a compelling way. I hope you find it interesting.

Scared…to Death

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