Technology Evaluation Summary

I do not work in a school but was granted special permission to use my employer as the subject of my survey and evaluation. I enjoyed the evaluation process very much. It gave me the opportunity to take an objective look at the technology company I work for, considering areas that need improvement and the areas where improvement is attainable.

There were a few hurdles to overcome with this assignment. Due to the small, close knit nature of our team, maintaining objectivity was somewhat difficult. Modifying the structure of the survey was a bit challenging. Demographic information of a school or district with one physical location is more clearly explained than that of a student body which is scattered across the United States. Due to the nature of the our business, the overall rankings in the technology survey are most likely higher than a school survey.

I found the maturity benchmarks survey spreadsheet of particular benefit. I believe I will be able to incorporate portions of this form with an existing form our company uses to evaluate the hardware and software needs of properties  prior to the implementation of a new system. As our company offers more hosted SaaS solutions to our customers, success is dictated by the quality of connectivity available in the region. Adding this to the pre-implementation property evaluation will allow us to be proactive in addressing ISP and network infrastructure issues.

Below is a link to the full survey and evaluation.

Maturity Benchmarks Survey Study Results

IniTech Technology Progress Survey


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